We're done with In.Light.In for the semester, but that doesn't mean we're done seeing the kids. Last weekend we took a cab to a few of the kid's houses, picked them up, and brought them to the playground and activity center on campus. They played around for hours on the equipment and when we went to the activity center they played video games, ping pong, and watched movies. They also crunched on some Cheetos and slurped down some soda. I love seeing them so happy getting to do things that most American kids take for granted.

This little monster is Jaim. He's the youngest of the group, but has the force of a small hurricane which is why we usually refer to him as "the hurricane". He can be such a sweety. I've really seen in grow up in the times we've been here.

I'm really going to miss their smiling faces!
You have truly been an amazing gift to all of the children you have touched in the last 16 months. They will never forget your love and nurturing. Great job, Heidi!