January 16, 2012

Show n' Tell

I've been doing more sewing, working my way through my online home-ec class as well as some other projects I've seen here and there and get inspired to try.

Most recently I made a felt "Happy Birthday" banner from my home-ec class. I have no idea when I'll use this but I figured everyone has birthdays so it will get hung up at some point.

My other project was a "love" pillow. Those of you who frequent Pinterest or etsy may have seen this before and well, you have. This is my DIY version of it and I'm just thrilled with how it turned out. I just couldn't see spending the $40 they wanted for theirs when I spent less than $10 on mine.

Here are the 2 pillows side by side. I normally don't like to be a copycat, but this pillow is just for us. Plus, when you're on a budget, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Pretty similar, right? What do you think?


  1. Adorable! Now get started on that new dog bed for Bella and Macy.

  2. CUTE! I love all of your projects, Heidi, they look great. I love the LOVE pillow, too! I actually like yours better than the one on etsy :)

  3. such a talent! the pillow is so good.
