April 1, 2011


I would like you to meet my lifesavers. These pink rubber gloves with extra long arm coverage make my life here much easier. You see, as I've said before, we have no dishwasher...well, we do, but it's me. With the help of these gloves I can easily wash each and every dish with ease (almost).

I've been watching the TV series Mad Men. It's set in the early 1960's complete with party dresses, pearls, high heals, and hats. I love the style of that era (not so much the womanizing and excessive drinking). Watching Betty Draper, the main character's wife, wash the dishes in her lovely ensemble and rubber gloves on has helped me not resent these plates and utensils quite as much. Lately I just whisk myself away to that era and pretend I'm Betty, doing the dishes with my apron and gloves on, listening to The Andy Griffith Show on the TV in background.

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