August 19, 2010

Half Way Done!

Can you believe it? We're half way done with our time in Dominica! I say "we" as I've been the one studying my behind off, but I like to think I help him get through his days in some way. At times I feel like the days have flown by and other times it feels like we live in a never ending repeating dream. Almost like the movie Groundhog Day. I especially feel this way when we have day, after day, after day of either sweltering heat or torrential downpours. Anyway, those times are temporarily behind us and today our vacation begins. Today starts over 2 weeks of doing whatever we choose without a thought of cracking open a med school book. Today starts a short period for me to get my husband back and have him all to myself, as selfish as that sounds. Today starts what Kyle and I like to call "K and H time". We have been looking forward to this for over 3 months now and on Wednesday, we will be flying to Barbados for a few days and then to St. Lucia. Trust me, we will take plenty of pictures and I'm sure we'll have some stories to share about our vacation. If you know me, you know I'm never at a loss for words...just ask Kyle.

1 comment:

  1. Whoooppppeeeee! Time for some fun. You are going to have a wonderful time on the islands!
