January 13, 2010

It's All Coming Together

It seems as though life is starting to make sense here. Our time here is feeling less like a vacation and more real...which is a good thing. With Kyle starting school and me starting to work at the prep school, we are getting into a routine. I still have time to enjoy myself in the afternoon and evening. He spends most of his days studying either at school or our house, but again electricity is expensive, so he likes to take advantage of what his tuition is going towards and study on their dime.
I am getting involved with the Spouses Organization here at Ross and they plan a lot of activities and provide helpful tips for life on the island, especially with regards to groceries. Let me tell you, to get the best price, the best quality, and the right item, you may have to go to 5 or 6 different places...and did I mention it is about 85 degrees with about 80 percent humidity and we walk everywhere? Let's just say I was a bit sweaty by the time I was finished shopping and had walked back to our house!
I also went to a yoga class yesterday evening with several of the other wives. It is held by a girlfriend of one of the students and takes place out on the lower deck on campus. The lower deck extends out over the ocean and allows you feel as though you are floating over the sea. The class takes places from 5-6:30, during sunset, and the waves are so soothing as they crash into the rocks. I must say it is something I enjoyed immensely and hope to make a part of my weekly routine. Even if I didn't like yoga, I would still go for the surroundings. I must say the my relaxation time was interrupted by a few of my friends, the mosquitoes, who come out as the sun goes down. But hey, what's another 4 or 5 bites to my existing 30 or so? Next time I will bring the repellent!


  1. Welcome to the humidity.. Wanted to see if you all noticed anything weird around your island. KD said someone she speaks to in Aruba told her of a small earthquake that happened yesterday. Hope all is well.

  2. Hahaha Megan!!!

    Heidi and Kyle!! Glad you guys are ok and having many new adventures! I saw your mom tonight and she filled me in on everything :)
