July 13, 2010

Dear Google, Remember Me?

While living in Dominica I find myself using Google searches on a daily basis for quite random things. For example, on Saturday I bought a fish from the market to make fish tacos. When I say a fish I mean it had the head and tail on too. They did gut the poor guy first which was such a blessing. Anyway, as I set the fish down on my cutting board this morning I got to thinking, "I have no clue what I am doing". I mean look at this thing...

What's my next move? Google it, of course! I type "how to fillet a fish" in the search box and proceed to watch video after video of grizzly men perfectly filleting the fish they have caught. I now think that this will be a piece of cake. As I stand looking over my fish I can't help but think that I still have no idea what I'm doing. It had to be done so I dug in. I don't think I did too bad. I'll let you know how many bones we all choke on tonight. You might want to say a quick prayer for us.

Other Google searches I've done here:

  • how to light a gas oven without torching your eyebrows
  • natural remedies for mosquito bites

  • how to open a coconut without cutting your hand off in the process

  • how to make _____ without the key ingredient of _____

  • is it okay to drink milk that is bought off the shelf and not cold?

  • what can you make with______? (insert any random produce/grocery item they have here on the island)


  1. Of course the fish and the tacos were incredible, no problems.
    Best fish tacos ever!!!

    Love you guys

  2. if you need help filleting a fish, John knows how hahaha he's gonna hate me for volunteering him again...
